Thematic Units - Mini Society Money

Money Unit (Mini-Society)

The following "Parent Letter" is to be sent home. It also explains the complete unit. You will need to customize it to your needs.
Parent letter:

"Our school will be modeled after the "workplace" this year. Of course, the students will not be paid real money, but a classroom system is set up that rewards students who perform well on assignments and completes long-term projects. For students not motivated to turn in their work and follow the rules, this system provides a real-life incentive -- they'll face the consequences when the "job" doesn't get done.

The job of each "employee" is that of being a student. All students are expected to complete all assignments and follow the school and classroom rules. Each student is also responsible for a classroom job. Job applications were distributed on the first day of classes. Personal interviews were conducted on Friday, August 23. Job assignments were announced on Monday, August 26. The students are currently training for their positions. Please see the attached list of job assignments.

Students will earn $50 each day from the company -- Trailblazers, Inc. -- for coming to school and completing assignments. They will be paid by check each Tuesday for the previous weeks work. Students will be able to spend their money on special classroom activities at the end of each grading period and other designated times.

Students will pay $600 in rent for their desks each month. Any student who hasn't paid the rent by the first of the month will receive an overdue notice. Any student who still hasn't paid the rent a week later will receive an eviction notice. Although the student will not really be evicted, a privilege will be taken away to teach the reality of what would happen if the rent really wasn't paid. When the student earns enough money to cover the rent, the privilege will be returned. Students who choose not to do their assignments or follow the rules will come up short on the money needed to pay their rent.

A fine of $10 or $20 will be deducted from their paychecks for each assignment not turned in ($10 - late assignment; $20 - assignment not turned in within 2 days). Assignments not turned in 2 days after the due date will receive a grade of zero. Parents will be notified when work is not turned in or is incomplete in the students assignment notebook. If students miss a day of school, they won't receive any pay for that day unless they make up the work on time (within 2 days) and bring a written excuse from their parent or doctor.


Accountant - collects money; Arrow Book Club; Bank Tellers
Art Specialist- Assist with Art Class
Botanist- Waters and takes care of the plants
Communications Technician- Lesson line...Keep list of Assignments for those absent
Computer Lab Tech- Assist in computer lab
Distribution Tech- Passes out papers, workbooks
Electrical Engineer- Assist with VCR, Overhead, and other Audiovisual/Technology Equipment
Hostess- Answers the door, Monthly Calendar, ETC
Librarian- Classroom Library; Assist with Daily Critical Thinking
Maintenance Engineer- Keeps classroom neat and tidy (wash boards, recycle)
Parliamentarian- Serve as MONITORS: Provides explanations and reminders about school and class rules
Postmaster- Distributes Mail into Trays
Secretary- Takes Roll, Lunch Count; Put Assignments in Order & Make list of missing assignments, run errands
Doorman- Closes door during emergencies, and other times when class leaves room


Name__________________________________ Name you go by__________
Home Address: Street Name and No. ___________________________________
City__________________________ State_____ Zip ___________________
Telephone Number (_________)___________________________
Date of Birth__________________________ Present Age____________

How are you transported to and from school?
Bus: Number _______________ Drivers Name _________________________
Other ___________________________________

Adults who live with you at the above address:
Name________________________________ Relationship: __________________
Name________________________________ Relationship: __________________
Name________________________________ Relationship: __________________
Brothers and Sisters:
Name ________________________________ Age _______ Grade ________
Name ________________________________ Age _______ Grade ________
Name ________________________________ Age _______ Grade ________
Name ________________________________ Age _______ Grade ________

Do you have any pets? _________________________
If yes, give name and kind of pets ___________________________________________

Special Friends that attend our school _______________________________,
____________________________, __________________________________


Name of School City, State Teacher

4th grade ____________________________________________________________
3rd grade ____________________________________________________________
2nd grade ____________________________________________________________
1st grade ____________________________________________________________
Kindergarten __________________________________________________________

What do you do best at school? _________________________________________
What do you think you might need extra help in school? _____________________
What did your teacher do last year that you like the most? __________________
What did your teacher do last year that you liked the least? __________________
What are some suggestions that you might have to make this a memorable year? ____________________________________________________________________

Classroom Job Applying For: ________________________________ (1st choice)
________________________________________________________(2nd choice)
________________________________________________________(3rd choice)
Explain why you feel you would be the best person for the job.
First Choice ____________________________________________________
Second Choice __________________________________________________
Third Choice ______________________________________________________
What school activities did you participate in last year?
_____Basketball _____Cheerleader ________Spelling Bee
_____4-H Club _____Safety Patrol ________Other (Explain below)

What activities are you interested in participating in this year?
What activities are you involved in outside the classroom?
______Piano _____Gymnastics _____Dance _____Soccer
_____Church _____Girl Scouts _____Boy Scouts _____Football
_____Baseball _____Martial Arts
What time do you go to bed on school nights? __________________________
Do you have any hobbies or special collections? _________________________
Any present medical condition or allergies which should be known are ________
Define the word responsible __________________________________________
Do you feel that you are a responsible person? __________ Why or why not _____
What are your responsibilities at home? __________________________________
Other Info:

In addition to the application, job chart, and parent letter, you would want to tailor some checks to your school. Develop a weekly payroll register to keep track of income and deductions. At the beginning of the year, you would also have to review how to write checks - or maybe introduce it for the first time. This is a great simulation activity that incorporates a behavior modification system too.
Submitted by: Victoria UsborneVic@email-removed

Any problems? Please let us know!